Daytrip to Trier

In Trier (Trèves), Germany's oldest city, history is omnipresent. Watch as 2000 years of history pass before your eyes, from the Imperial Baths, the Amphitheater and the Imperial Throne Room (Basilika) to the Porta Nigra - the best preserved city gate dating back to antiquity and a monument that attracts visitors from all over the world.

Further highlights include the cathedral, numerous churches and medieval townhouses as well as interesting testimonials to more recent history: wander through the Electoral Palace Garden or trace the footsteps of Karl Marx.

For groups up to 25 persons

  • Duration
    8 hours
  • Appointments
    all year on request
  • Bookings
    at least 14 days in advance
  • Price
    250,00 € per guide in german / 280,00 € per guide english or french
    (bus rental not included)
  • Languages
    English, German or French
  • Tour Includes
    - Guided tour from Saarbrücken
    - Guided tour of Trier
    - Visiting the famous "Porta Nigra"
    - Guided tour of Saarburg

Reservation / information

City-Marketing Saarbrücken GmbH

Gruppenreisen & Stadtführungen
Bahnhofstraße 31 / Diskonto-Hochhaus
66111 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 9380917
Fax: +49 681 9380938



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